Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am Dog Gone Angry!!

Where do I start? I am so angry and upset by the news of Michael Vick returning to the NFL to play football! What are humans thinking? Playing in the NFL is an honor and privilege! Why would humans be honoring a man who torchured and killed my innocent furry friends with his own hands? If he had done this to a human, I know he would have been punished in a more severe way, and there is no way this man would be allowed to play football for the NFL!

Dogs are nothing but loyal and faithful to humans, and this is how they are treated? How inhumane can it get? Why are humans letting this man get by with this cruelty and unfeeling for a life?

Watching Michael Vick interviewed the other night on TV, sickened me! Humans are giving this man much too much press, and once again making him a Millionaire! He should be giving the salary he makes from playing football to the Humane Society to help my furry friends, if he is sincere about what he did to all those helpless dogs! Do you really believe Michael Vick is sincerely sorry for what he did to my furry friends? Because I believe he is only sorry that he got caught! Oh, don't get me wrong, I do believe humans should give people a second chance as we, dogs have always done! Dogs are the most forgiving species on earth! But in this case, it is like letting a human off for performing mass murders with their own hands. It is easy to get on TV and say you are sorry, but very difficult to mean it!

I don't care if Michael Vick is the greatest football player on this earth, my furry friends and I don't think he should be given that honor or opportunity to play football ever again in the NFL. There are certainly a lot of other good, talented, upstanding, people who play football, and would love and deserve the honor to play football in the NFL!

So take a stand if you humans have any conscience at all! Stop the Dog Fighting rings! Make your voices heard and stop Michael Vick from returning to the NFL! To allow him back in the NFL is sending the wrong message to kids today! We, dogs, love humans unconditionally, and want nothing more than to be treated humanely and loved in return!

Bow Wow! Until next time!


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